Sunday, April 5, 2009

Some Catching up to do

So lately I have had a severe lack of updates. Since Ive last blogged Ive done a promotional photo shoot for Surrender The Dance Floor and have been talking to The Gates Of Ivory and DJ Bless for possible shoots. I also did a live shoot again, Hooker In The Morgue and Tuesdays With Morrie. Those pics came out very well, surprisingly, since my camera took a slugging at the Oceano show on March 8th.

At the end of last month and the beginning of this month I have been having a steady dialogue with Zach from Bloodshot Music about management for bands and booking. We have worked out a sweet deal for myself. I am now the manager for Tuesdays with Morrie. I will be working closely with them in the upcoming months to make sure they're set for a possible upcoming tour and a shitload more shows. Plus a ton of promotion so I'm stoked on that fact.

I recommend every one to go out and see the movie I Love You, Man. It was definitely worthy of the 8 dollar ticket purchase (prices may vary by location). I am also getting ready to see Observe and Report on friday. Seth Rogan is the man, and just about all of his movies are a "laugh-riot".

I have also noticed a trend in hip-hop where the rappers are all referencing their swag. Style is such an abstract concept but apparently its whats cool in rap so everyone will buy it, but me.

Also, on a random note, Henry Rollins will be speaking at the Webster Theater on June 6th. I am so fucking excited for this. You may be thinking, Why do you like spoken word when all you do is talk about live shows?" Well, I like Henry Rollins spoken word because he is actually a smart guy. He is deeper than most people who rant and rave about their problems. I also think Black Flag is fucking awesome.

I shall be updating this a lot more from now on. I hope you guys are ready.
Until then I leave you with this....

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