Thursday, May 21, 2009

One up on the economy

I have basically solidifed my position for a summer job at Sundaycare so I am set for the summer and will have steady income while a lot of my friends are slackin. Up yours bad economy!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grading The President

I have seen a few news media programs try and grade our president. I honestly don't think it is right to try to grade him this early. He has only been in office a 7 months and I honestly think the waiting period before "grading" a political official should be at least a year.

This gives you time to see a lot more than you will see in 100 days and it you can see the pros and cons of the decisions he has to make. Making all of those decisions isn't as easy as you would imagine. You have to take into consideration how it will effect the people of the U.S. How it will effect our policies with other nations. Also, if the decision will effect the rights of any group of people in the United States.

The thing thats really been striking me lately is the fact that my music taste is all over the charts, literally. I have always been into every genre thanks to my mom and my other family always playing various music when I was little but what I listen to lately varies so much. It starts on the soft side with Kevin Devine and Saves The Day. Then slowly progresses to Brand New, Say Anything, and New Found Glory. They lead to A Day To Remember and Devil Wears Prada. They shed light on Converge and Trap Them.

I dont know if you guys realize but it goes from acoustic rock to (pretty much) grindcore.

Then on the other side of the spectrum I have artists of Hip Hop that vary from Nas to Twiztid. It fucking off the wall.

Then lastly Im getting into trance and techno more so there are a few djs I have yet to learn more of but currently Armin Van Buuren and BT are most played for me.